Boys' Brigade
CCA Overview
The Boys’ Brigade (BB) is a CCA that focuses on the development of the youth. Its mission is to nurture youth, based on sound values, to lead and serve. We believe in training up a child to be disciplined and to be God fearing. Our motto is Sure and Steadfast and it is taken from Hebrews 6:19 of the bible (KJV).
The BB’s innovative and customised integrated four-year programme consists of activities and events, with the aim of building confidence for leadership and service, as well as to nurture compassion and enable character development.
Some of the key BB programmes organised for our boys this year were our camp that was full of fun activities and team bonding sessions. There are many activities to explore such as rock climbing, archery, laser tag and outdoor cooking!
During weekly parades and training, our Boys are exposed to a variety of courses and activities, such as foot drills. and life skill courses such as first aid, map reading and navigation. In BB, character development is crucial. BB events such as the BB National Share-A-Gift programme, BB Cares project help them develop compassion for the less fortunate as well as show appreciation for the people around them.
The boys are also given the opportunities to strive for excellence by representing the school in various national competitions such as the BB Adventure Quest and BB Character Quest in which teamwork and perseverance are also emphasised.
With a team of committed teachers, officers and our Boys, our company has consistently excelled in the past decade with its strong track record in the annual JM Fraser Award for Unit Excellence, the highest accolade for BB Companies in Singapore awarded by BB Headquarters (BBHQ).In 2023, Joel Soh Yong En from 6-8 was awarded the Best Boy Award, which is the highest accolade for BB Boys in Singapore awarded by BBHQ every year.
Tan Boon Chian Medal Best Boy 2024 - Patrick Yeo (P6-8)
Character Quest, Silver Honour Roll - BB Unit 21J
Adventure Quest, Bronze Roll - P6 BB Boys
J M Fraser Award for Excellence (High Distinction) - Entire Company
Tan Boon Chian Medal Best Boy 2023-Joel Soh Yong En(6-8)
Adventure Quest, Gold Honour Roll - P6 BB Boys
Adventure Quest, 2nd Runner Up- Team 1
Tan Boon Chian Medal Best Boy 2022- Isaac Pang Xian Yi(6-8)
Adventure Quest, Gold Honour Roll - P6 BB Boys
Boys’ Brigade Week 2020 Gold Honour Roll
J M Fraser Award For Excellence 2022 (YOA 2021) - Gold Honour Roll
Character Quest 2019 Gold Honour Roll, Top 5
Best Boys Award 2021-He Meng Xiu(6-6)
Boys’ Brigade Week 2021 Gold Honour Roll
J M Fraser Award For Excellence 2021 (YOA 2020) - Suspended
Best Boys Award 2020-Isaac Cheong(6-6)
Boys’ Brigade Week 2020 Gold Honour Roll
Boys’ Brigade Week 2020 Lee Soon Ann Trophy
J M Fraser Award For Excellence 2020 (YOA 2019) - Gold Honour Roll
^Competitions were suspended due to COVID-19.
Best Boys Award 2019- Han Qi Li(6-8)
Adventure Quest 2019- Gold Honour Roll (Overall)
Adventure Quest 2019-1st Runner-up(Best Placing)
Boys’ Brigade Week 2019 Gold Honour Roll
Character Quest 2019 Gold Honour Roll
J M Fraser Award For Excellence 2019 (YOA 2018) - Gold Honour Roll
Mrs Anna Quek (Captain)
Mr Calvin Eng (IC)
Ms Sarah-Ann Tan (2IC)
Mr Harvey Kwek
Mr Michael Goh
Mrs Joanne Yak
Ms Guan Yuan (Church Personnel)